I’d like to invite everyone who wants to find new and better ways for students and teachers to apply our knowledge to real-world problems and to support each other in imagining and creating “just transitions to the next Earth.” One way to reshape our relationships with each other and the systems and institutions that determine the quality of life for our own communities and communities around the world, is to engage our students in real-world projects. For me, this has taken the form of what we call the Eco Vista Project…
John Foran
— curator —
John Foran is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara and a member of EJ/CJ, the Environmental and Climate Justice Studies Research Hub at UCSB’s Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies.
T eaching about the climate crisis can be devastating to students if we focus only on the grim facts. What if, in every course, we could teach ways to confront the climate crisis as well?
In a way, that is what the NXTerra project is all about, as are our individual Topics.
I follow along these lines in my Topic page on Climate Justice Movements, which shows students that there are others around the world who are confronting the crisis in fresh and exciting ways, and that our students can not only learn about these movements, they can join in and create new ones as well.
A second and for me crucial approach is to show students that there are attractive alternatives to the way things are at present—holistic blueprints and actual, real-life case studies, exciting theoretical systems, and powerful political strategies for social transformation. Among them are such paradigms and practices as:
- Degrowth
- Commoning and the Peer to Peer process
- Buen Vivir and the Rights of Mother Earth
- Ecovillages
- Transition Towns
- Ecosocialism and ecofeminism
- The Green New Deal
Some of the questions that can be discussed with students and others include:
- Is capitalism the root cause of the climate crisis?
- Are there different forms of economy or ways of living that might be better than how we live at present? If so, what do they look and feel like, how do they work? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
- What might be some of the strategies for achieving these systemic alternatives? Is it possible to do so in time to fully face the crisis?
- What sorts of alternatives have non-scholars, journalists, creative writers, and others fashioned, and how might they be of value to our actions in the “real” world? Some of this is introduced under the Topic of “Climate Fiction” elsewhere on this site.
Another space for systematic alternatives is comprised by the many areas and sectors where new ideas are being tried, such as permaculture and regenerative agro-ecology, renewable energy and reduced consumption of all forms of energy, deeper and more participatory democracy, and circular local economies, among others.
Both of the above approaches and all of these critical questions (and many others!) make up, for me, the Topic of “Systemic Alternatives,” and this part of the website will show you how I (and eventually other teachers) have been working in this broad, almost limitless area.
Ways to get started
I have prepared a short overview of most of the topics involved as a class handout: Systemic Alternatives: Notes on Transition Towns, Degrowth, Buen Vivir, Ecosocialism and How to Get There.
For good overviews of the topic, you can consult my undergraduate syllabus for Sociology 130SD: The World in 2050: Systemic Alternatives, or my graduate course of the same name, Sociology 265.
For superb book-length introductions to the topic, there is the aptly named compilation Systemic Alternatives, which you can read here, and Pluriverse: A Post-development Dictionary, both of which I use in my classes.
There are fascinating websites to explore, and to get a sense of the creativity and vision that exists around these issues, and some these can be found below.
I also include a number of bibliographies with readings on particular systemic alternatives which can both help teachers grasp the topic better, and serve as readings for students. Where possible, these are annotated by myself.
In addition to syllabi, teaching ideas, websites, videos, and readings, the last section of this Topic is devoted to an actual systemic alternative which my students and I engage in both inside and outside the classroom, a project we call Eco Vista. We hope that this might inspire other teachers and learning communities to create their own real-world systemic alternatives.
Please contact me at foran@soc.ucsb.edu if you have any feedback, if you want to contribute to this Topic, or if you’d like to be part of a network of educators involved in this kind of work with their students.
Let’s have fun trying to change the world with our students and communities!
— Updated March 5, 2021
Readings and Bibliographies
An annotated bibliography on Systemic Alternatives TBA
Arturo Escobar, Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds
(Duke University Press, 2010).
Pablo Solon, Systemic Alternatives (PDF – Spanish; PDF – English)
Fictions and Future Scenarios
Jonathan Porritt, The World We Made.
Kim Stanley Robinson, Three California Trilogy.
Ernst Callenbach, Ecotopia.
review: Ecotopia, reviewed by Ray Magnum
critical review: Ecotopia the Whitewashed, by J. G. R. Penton
Naomi Oreskes and Conway, The Collapse of Western Civilization.
Systemic social change organizations
Indigenous Environmental Network
EcoSocialist Working Group of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA EWG)
The World in 2050 2025: Sustainable Development and its Alternatives [Sociology 130SD, UCSB, Spring 2020].
The World in 2050 has become my “signature” class, one which I have tried to offer every year starting in 2016-17.
The World in 2050: Sustainable Development and its Alternatives [Sociology 130SD, UCSB, Spring 2019].
The World in 2050 has become my “signature” class, one which I have tried to offer every year starting in 2016-17.
The World in 2050 [Sociology 265SD, UCSB, Spring 2018].
This is the graduate version of 130SD, which naturally tackles longer and more difficult texts. It is still very much a work in progress, as I have so far only taught it once!
Earth in Crisis [Sociology 134EC and Environmental Studies 134EC, UCSB 2019].
Earth in Crisis, graduate seminar [Sociology 265EC].
What’s Wrong with the World? How Do We Fix It? [Interdisciplinary Studies 133B, UCSB 2019]
Co-aught with Ken Hiltner, English Department, UCSB. This is a small [35-student] seminar offered in the summer for the past three years. Because it falls under the category of Interdisciplinary Studies and not English or Sociology, it has attracted students from as many as twenty different majors that span the social sciences, sciences and humanities.
Eco Vista: Creating Systemic Alternatives [Sociology 130EV, UCSB, Winter 2021].
This is a new class which takes students through the theory and practice of designing and implementing a systemic transformation of their own community!
The Eco Vista Project
One of the most exciting experiences of my teaching life has been a new student-driven project at the University of California to turn their adjacent residential community of 20,000 (80 percent of them students) into an ecovillage in the next 8-10 years, transforming what is now Isla Vista into Eco Vista.
You can learn more about it by visiting the website: ecovistacommunity.com
I have proposed a detailed research proposal that goes into a bit more depth.
Buen Vivir – introduced by Sergio Beltran
QUOTE: Buen vivir (living well, or living well together) is an indigenous Latin American term describing alternatives to development rooted in community, ecology, culture, and a spiritual connection to the land. The concept is radically different from the modern economistic view: whereas homo economicus sees nature as a resource to be exploited, even destroyed, for profit, the convivial buenviviente sees other species, as well as forests and rivers, as having the same rights to prosper that she does. The concept has been taken up by social movements and progressive governments across the Americas, serving as a philosophical and cosmological foundation for developing new and better ways of living well together.
Further reading:
- Blaser, Mario (2010) Storytelling Globalization from the Chaco and Beyond, Durham: Duke University Press.
- Escobar, Arturo (1992) ‘Imagining a Post-Development Era? Critical Thought, Development and Social Movements’, SocialText 31/32: 20^56.
- Gudynas, Eduardo (2011) ‘Buen Vivir: Germinando alternativas al desarrollo’, AmeŁrica Latina en Movimiento 462:1^20.
- Latouche, Serge (2009) Pequeno tratado del decrecimiento sereno, Barcelona: Icaria.
- Martinez-Alier, Joan, Unai Pascual, Franck-Dominique Vivien and Edwin Zaccai (2010) ‘Sustainable De-growth: Mapping the context, criticisms and future prospects of an emergent paradigm’, Ecological Economics 69:17417.
- Naess, Arne (1989) Ecology, Community and Lifestyle, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ramirez, ReneŁ (2010) ‘Socialismo del sumak kawsay o biosocialismo republicano’, in Los nuevos retos de America Latina. Socialismo y sumak kawsay, pp 55^74, Quito: SENPLADES.
- Saunders, Kriemild (2002) Feminist Post-DevelopmentThough, London: Zed Books.
Walsh, Catherine (2010) ‘Development as Buen Vivir: Institutional arrangements and (de)colonial entanglements’,
Development 53(1):15^21.
- Yampara, SimoŁn (2001) ‘Viaje del Jaqi a la Qamana, El hombre en elVivir Bien’, in Javier Medina, comp. (ed.) La comprensioŁn ind|¤gena de la BuenaVida, pp 45^50, La Paz: GTZ and FederacioŁn Asociaciones Municipales Bolivia.further reading:
Buen Vivir: Today’s Tomorrow, by Eduardo Gudynas.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1993) by Paulo Freire (PDF)
John Foran: Teaching Climate Justice Movements and Systemic Alternatives
Degrowth: A realistic demand for the impossible – T. Parrique, Stockholm Resilience Centre TV (2019)
Published by Stockholm Resilience Centre TV on May 6, 2019
How to imagine alternative economic futures? Timothée Parrique describes his on-going doctoral research at the Stockholm Resilience Centre on the political economy of degrowth. The lecture was organised by the group Post Growth Transformations Stockholm on 2 May 2019.
Commons Transition and P2P: a Primer — Transnational Institute (TNI) and P2P Foundation
Published by P2P Foundation on May 9, 2017
This short primer, co-published with the Transnational Institute explains the Commons and P2P, how they interrelate, their movements and trends, and how a Commons transition is poised to reinvigorate work, politics, production, and care, both interpersonal and environmental. Drawing from our ten year + history researching and advocating for P2P/Commons Alternatives, the Primer is structured in a Q&A format, providing answers to questions such as “What are the Commons, what is P2P and how do they relate together?” “What are P2P Economics?” “What are P2P Politics?” and, more important, how these different factors can combine together at higher levels of complexity to form a viable transition strategy to solid post-capitalist system that is respectful of people and planet.
To change the system we need systemic alternatives – Solon Foundation (2018)
Published by Fundacion Solon on January 16, 2018
System change, not climate change is a phrase that is gaining more and more audience. But what does it mean to change the system? Are we talking only about the economic system or something much broader? How can we advance in the construction of alternative visions to the system that is ending life as we know it? This two-minute animation is based on the premise that we are facing a systemic crises and that we need systemic alternatives to capitalism, productivism, extractivism, patriarchy, plutocracy and anthropocentrism. This process of building alternatives requires the complementarity of different visions such as Buen Vivir, the commons, degrowth, the rights of Mother Earth, ecofeminisms, deglobalization and others.