Planning Capstone Course (ENVD 4022), Program in Environmental Design, University of Colorado at Boulder

— with Syllabus and Assignments —

Tori Derr


Course Overview

The capstone course represents the culmination of your educational experience: the opportunity to apply and synthesize skills and knowledge gained in previous semesters to a project of personal and professional interest, and to work on a project that can be considered your “crowning achievement” within the Program in Environmental Design.

This course will support the development and integration of resilience planning into multiple planning processes primarily within the City of Boulder.

As defined by the Rockefeller Foundation, resilient cities are those that can “survive, adapt, and grow no matter what kinds of chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience.”

By exploring current planning and engagement processes, we will explore how people think of resilience, and how it relates to planning for health, well-being, and resiliency.

We will begin by hearing from a range of residents in the City of Boulder as well as in Mexico City, and then deepening our knowledge through focused engagement with other constituency groups.

Each student, or self-identified groups of students, will explore and develop in depth a project that will meaningfully contribute to policy and planning for health and resilience through development of a “passion project,” in which they develop in greater depth, a specific area of analysis and recommendation.


1 Field Reports

2 Project Topic and TOC

3 precedents Proposal and Literature Review

4 Final Projects