UC-CSU NXTerra brings together the expertise and experience of educators from across the University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) systems.

At our core is the NXTerra Knowledge-Action Network (KAN)—formed in 2018 for the purpose of creating the NXTerra Digital Platform for climate crisis, critical sustainability, and climate justice educational resources.

The NXTerra KAN is comprised of the NXTerra Team and a growing number of expert educators from the UC and CSU systems.

The NXTerra Team: John Foran (UCSB), Sarah Jaquette Ray (HSU), and Richard Widick (UCSB).

Scroll down and meet the NXTerra KAN, and follow the links to see each member’s contribution.

NXTerra is an independent project of the Global Climate Leadership Council (GCLC) of the University of California, with additional guidance provided by the GCLC’s Faculty Education Engagement Committee (FEE) and the UC-CSU NXTerra Advisory Board.

How to use this Site:  Contents, Indexes, Site Map, Glossaries, and Search Engines.

The NXTerra Team

Co-Directors & Project Lead

John Foran
Distinguished Professor of Sociology
Affiliated Professor of Environmental Studies

Sarah Jaquette Ray
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies
Humboldt State University

Richard Widick
Sociologist, Visiting Scholar
Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara

The NXTerra KAN

Knowledge Action Network

Ryan Alaniz
Associate Professor
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Amanda Baugh
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
CSU Northridge

Tori Derr
Associate Professor of Sustainability Education and Environmental Studies
CSU Monterey Bay

Daniel Fernandez
Professor of Science and Environmental Policy
CSU Monterey Bay

Summer Gray
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies/PhD in Sociology
UC Santa Barbara

Ken Hiltner
Professor of English
Director of the Environmental Humanities Initiative
UC Santa Barbara

Beth Rose Middleton
Associate Professor and Chair of Native American Studies
UC Davis

David Pellow
Professor, Chair, and Dehlsen Endowed Chair of Environmental Studies
Affiliated Professor of Sociology
UC Santa Barbara

V. Ramanathan
Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences
Victor C. Alderson Chair for Applied Ocean Sciences
UC San Diego

Katherine Davis Reich
Associate Director, Strategic Planning and Communications
Center for Climate Science
UC Los Angeles

Nicole Seymour
Associate Professor of English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics
Affiliated Faculty in Environmental Studies and Queer Studies
CSU Fullerton

Mark Stemen
Professor of Geography and Planning
CSU Chico

The NXTerra Advisory Board

Cully Nordby
Associate Director
UCLA Institute of the Environment

Stephen Wheeler
Professor, Landscape Architecture Program of the Department of Human Ecology
UC Davis

Abby Reyes, Director of Community Resilience Projects
Office of Sustainability
UC Irvine

Bill Tomlinson
Professor of Informatics
UC Irvine

Mark Stemen
Professor of Geography and Planning
CSU Chico

Ken Hiltner, Professor of English and Director of the Environmental Humanities Initiative
UC Santa Barbara

The Faculty Engagement and Education Working Group of the UC Carbon Neutrality Initiative

Cindy Larive (Chair)
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
UC Riverside

David Ackerly
Professor of Integrative Biology
UC Berkeley

Shauna Casey
Sustainability Programs Manager, Sustainability Office
UC Santa Cruz

Todd Dawson
Professor, Integrative Biology
Member, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
UC Natural Reserve System
UC Berkeley

John Foran
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies
UC Santa Barbara

Teamrat A. Ghezzehei
Assistant Professor, School of Natural Sciences
UC Merced

Travis Huxman
Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Director, Center for Environmental Biology
Chair, Executive Committee of UCI Sustainability Initiative;
Co-chair, Faculty Task Force on Sustainability Education
UC Irvine

Lorraine Lopez
CNI Student Engagement Fellow
Undergraduate Student, Political Science
UC San Diego

Claudia Martinez
Project Lead; Executive Director, Educator Programs, Diversity and Engagement
UC Office of the President

Katie Maynard
Sustainability Coordinator
Academic Senate Sustainability Work Group
Department of Geography
UC Santa Barbara

Sarah McKinstry
Sustainability Manager
UC San Diego

Adam Millard-Ball
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies
UC Santa Cruz

Cully Nordby
Academic Director, Institute of Environment and Sustainability
UC Los Angeles

Tapan Pathak
ANR Specialist, Sierra Nevada Research Institute
UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
UC Merced

Robert (Skip) Pomeroy
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC San Diego

Jade Sasser
Assistant Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies
UC Riverside

Brian Siana
Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy, Department of Physics
UC Riverside

Matthew St. Clair
Director of Sustainability
UC Office of the President

Arianne Teherani
Associate Professor, School of Medicine
UC San Francisco

Jane Teranes
Lecturer/SOE, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
UC San Diego

Stephen Wheeler
Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design
Department of Human Ecology